Outplacement Services
Individual outplacement consultations are recommended for senior and mid-level managers and specialists identified for staff reduction. During the one-hour session, we cover the most important aspects of how to search and transition to a new job. Depending on the situation and desires of the organization, additional consultations can be arranged.
Topics Covered (1 hr):
- The local employment market and tendencies.
- How to create a job-search strategy.
- Preparation and use of job-search tools (CV, Applicaton Letter & LinkedIn).
- How to prepare for a job interview.
- Additional: Personality Competency Test/Questionnaire (add cost).
Benefits of this service
Customized seminars/work-shops on the current job market and career planning are also available for groups. The two-hour sessions are adapted to the qualifications and tenure of the employees; i.e., from line employees to mid & senior-level managers.
Seminar topics covered (2 hrs):
- How to deal with one‘s emotions and well-being during change.
- Overview of the employment market // knowing where to look.
- Creating a job search strategy.
- Best practices for use of job-search tools (CV, Motivation Letter & LinkedIn, etc.)
- Behavior/image/communication during a job interview.
- Other questions related to a job search; i.e., stress, salary questions, etc.
Benefits of this service
Organizations undergoing change and staff reductions usually pay more attention to employees that are leaving, often neglecting those that remain behind. For the latter, it‘s important they be provided professional help on how to deal with the changes, remain commited to the organization and work effectively with the remaining resources. This one-hour session provides managers and supervisory staff the tools and guidelines to deal with this situation.
Seiminar topics covered (1 hr):
- Emotional reaction of employees / discussion of key symptoms.
- Discussion of stress and ways to overcome it.
- Communication guidelines.
- Guidelines for managing psychosocial risk.
Benefits of this service
Using simulation exercises, our Assessment Center is able to conduct an indepth evaluation of an individual‘s competencies and help identify one‘s strengths and areas for development based on an analysis of an individual‘s behavior as observed in a variety of work situations (scenarios). This broad-based competency assessment is recommended for mid/senior-level managers as well as experienced specialists.
Competencies assessed:
- Communication skills (written & verbal)
- Achievement Orientation
- Leadership Skills
- Teamwork
- Planning & Organizing
Benefits of this service
In special situations involving the layoff of senior managers, for example, companies frequently select a comprehensive outplacement program that provides the individual versatile & individualized assistance.
Contents of Outplacement Consultation Program:
I. Initial meeting/planning session with individual (1 hr)
II. Assessment of personal competencies (6 hrs)
III. Competency-based interview – videotaped followed by feedback (1.5 hrs)
IV. Individual feedback session – based on results/information from previous three outplacement sessions (I, II, III) (1.5 hrs)
V. Individual consultations (6 hrs):
- Evaluation and discussion of the local job market.
- Identification of prospective employers.
- Consultations on preparation & editing of CV and Motivation Letter.
- Job interview training.
- Improving your image and self-presentation skills.
- Consultations on salary negotiations and the employment contract.
- Individual consultations on specific job search issues (ongoing or planned).
Benefits of this service